Tax the rich.

Save America.

Join the Movement.

Politicians Lie About Taxes, But It’s Actually Pretty Simple.

After WW2, the top marginal income tax rate was 91%; today it’s 37%. Ten years ago, the top corporate tax rate was 35%; today it’s 21%. In 1980, the estate tax on inheritance income over $650,000 was 65%. Today, rich heirs can inherit $22 million and never pay a single dime in federal taxes. Meanwhile, working Americans pay federal taxes on every single dollar they make over $14,000.

Who’s in charge in Washington has changed countless times in the last decades, but the tax rate for the richest people has gone in one direction. Down.

Did You Know?

  • If you make $100,000 working and a billionaire makes $100,000 selling stock, you will pay $9,000 more in taxes than the billionaire because of the tax code.

  • If you own your home and a billionaire owns 2 yachts, 3 planes, 4 Picassos, 8 racehorses, and $900 million of stock, you will pay more in “wealth” taxes than the billionaire because of the tax code.

  • If you paid more than a single penny in federal taxes last year, you paid more to run the country than FedEx, Nike, HP, and 52 other multinational corporations did in 2020 because of the tax code.

America’s Choice: Concentrated Wealth or Democracy?

In 2025, America will have the chance to write an entirely new federal tax code, one that will set the stage for the next 250 years of American greatness. The choice is clear. More inequality or less? More concentrated wealth or less? More indefensible preferences for the already rich or a tax code that honors work and working people first?

The solutions are obvious. Join the fight to fix the tax code and unrig the American economy.

See the Patriotic Millionaires’ Preserve Democratic Capitalism Tax Agenda.

“We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both.”

— Louis D. Brandeis

Tax The Rich. Save America. — The Roadshow Presentation

Watch and share the 15 minute version of the Tax The Rich. Save America. roadshow presentation!

Join the Tax The Rich Movement

Patriotic Millionaires want to live in a country with a basic sense of fairness, where millionaires don’t get special treatment just because they’re rich. The “Other” Millionaires want special treatment, they think they deserve special treatment. They insist the economy will collapse if they pay a penny more in taxes. Nonsense. Nothing is going to collapse if millionaires pay their fair share (except for possibly an over-inflated ego or two). Join the fight.